
Basset Down Complex

Competition Updates...


Ahead of the new golfing season starting on 1st May, we’re on the lookout for members to join our Competition & Handicap Committee. If you’re interested in finding out more about this volunteer role or putting your name forward, please email Rosie directly (  


Please be aware for February & March Mid-Week Stablefords, we will be allowing a maximum of 4 players to take part in the competition on one tee time. As a reminder, in order to also participate in these competitions: 1) Entrants cannot play as a one ball 2) Entrants must have at least one player with them who has a CDH number and Handicap Index who will verify and mark the entrants card. This person does not have to enter the competition themselves. There are also no set tee times for this competition, but instead is a ‘roll up’ style throughout the day using new/existing member tee times. On the day, please sign up on the electronic tablet by reception and pay your entry fee at reception (additional 2's pot for £1.00/head). From 1st April, our Mid-Week Medals will return every other week. 


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